
The Essential Rules For Regular Computer User About Protecting Eyes

A survey shows that people who work more than 3 hours in front of the computer every day, 90% of whom have eye problems.The symptoms are: dry eyes, headaches, irritability, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating. This is a typical computer vision syndrome, dry eye. Medical eyeglasses experts believe that computer vision syndrome is a relatively new form disease. Nearly more than half of thee computer users have this disease more and less.

The ophthalmology experts think the symptoms of computer sight syndrome is mainly appear on the time when they looking at the screen and showing hot in eyes, dry, astringent or eye blood red. As well as they will be sensitivity to light, the eyes open problems, eyes pain and other conditions when the situation is serious, but at the beginning of symptoms, the patient is mostly not care for it, and then it is because they are uesd Do not hold idea that there are computer, everyone will be eyes dry, eyes tired, resulting in delayed treatment, increasing the risk of structural problems like tear secretion imbalance.

Some patients become severe sensitivity to light, even in the indoor environment should also wear dark glasses in order to feel more comfortable when looking at objects. When the unusual dry eyes, tiring eyes and other sick symptoms happen during watching the screen, it is best not over-use eyes. Doctor suggest that this time so long as give the eyes a rest in eyewear advance for a week, then pay more attention when you look "computer health" of the main points at the screen and have adequate rest, basically this disease has been

However, if delaying treatment for months, it May cause visual health of structural problems, appearing to reduce secretion of tears, tears component imbalance and other performances, it needs to go to the hospital with a long-term drug treatm Medical experts believe that when the problem has been involved in the secretion structural problems of tears, have to use medicines to supplement the lack of moisture content, fat or protein.

What you should pay attention to is don't use eye drops, because some of the syrup containing the preservative composition, dripping after use, it would increase the disease. So be sure to go to hospital for treatment, follow the doctor's medication recommendations. In addition, oral drugs such as fish oil pills can effectively enhance the moisture degree of eyes, many patients’ condition has been improved after ta Do not put the computer in the window to avoid light reflection from the overhead caused by radiation, causing the computer screen not clear. The top height of the computer screen should be slightly lower reading glasses than the apparent horizon of the eye, and the most ideal placing location is the place where the computer center of the screen should be lower than the apparent horiz

And eyes from the computer screen 60 cm. Frequent blinking, in order to increase secretion of tears, to nourish the eye. < {P17}> Place the reference documents will be used on the computer next to the bracket, so that you do not need to turn round the neck and head, the eyes also do not need to frequently adjust the focal length.

