
Manners to Differentiate True Brands Sunglasses from Pseudo ones

To buy eyeglasses, first of all, you must choose the products that are produced by regular manufacturers or well-known companies. Because fake products and low-qualified ones usually failed in the quality inspection, their quality can not be guaranteed. The kind of glasses can't protect our eyes but also will do harm to our eyes after wearing for long time. And how to distinguish the authentic from the fake ones of famous sunglasses?

In fact, it's quite easy. The cheap glasses are different from fashion and bags which has their own type and color code. These codes are set by manufacturers. If the type and style of the products can not match the product model on the the web site, they are naturally counterfeit goods. Thus these adulterations which have been marked by them will reveal their true face. There is another possibility that bad-intentioned sellers have taken the genuine pictures of others as their own, but the buyers accept the similar replicas at last. So you’d better choose those sellers who have genuine pictures or better public reputations.

Another way to distinguish the true and false is to check the sellers if they have the certificates. There are lots of famous glass brands in Italy, and there are lots of glass producing companies known by the world, too. Safilo Group is the biggest glasses manufacturer of the world, and its headquarter is built in Italy. almost all the top sunglasses belong to them. Brand-name glasses such as Burberry, Dior, Gucci, Armani, Valentino, and YSL are all manufactured by Safilo. They control the sale way very strictly, and won't sale them to the salers in random.

In America, only the stores who have obtained the certificate from the concerned ministries of the country could be qualified for stocking from Safilo, and there will be special staffs supervising the traders and specialty shops, not allowing the malicious competition by lowering the price. Every Safilo's eyeglass frames rollouts with a certification, that is to say, the branded glass which is produced by Salifo withou the certification is fake. Finally, never say that the expensive is the true. People shoule be wary of being used by others with thought.

